Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tango Has Love for New York!

It's over, "I Love New York" wrapped up it's final episode last night with NY choosing Tango, or as Chance and Real liked to call him "Ninga Turtle Head Having Ass "N****", if you didn't catch it I'ma tell you that Tango ended up getting on his ashy knee and proposing marriage to the beautiful Miss.New York, bitch was soo shocked I coulda swore one of her fake eyelashes flew off. Anyways, I HEARD that TANGO is dating some chick in FLORIDA and has no intention of getting back with NY.
And another thing, will SOMEONE please get NY "Hooked on Phonics: Elementary Edition", she never uses words right and had the nerve to ask Tango:"did you just engaged me?" after he proposed to her.

Click here to read his "after the show interview"

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