Monday, May 10, 2010

Britney Spears is PISSED!

Remember these pics that leaked on the web earlier this week? Well according to some newspapers over in the UK, Britney was highly pissed when she found out they leaked.
The timing of the pictures doesn't help her embarked on a comeback trail. She's been putting on live performances in in Cali and Las Vegas all week and the pictures don't help the cause at all.
A close friend of the Britney told The Daily Star, "Britney's furious these photo's have become public. She never dreamed they'd be leaked. She's concerned the photos will damage her credibility and just make her look trashy."(Freezy Footnote: You can't be serious about that last sentence lmao!!) She's concentrating on her career and this draws the focus from her music."
Now people, please don't rag on Britney to much, she's still Juiicy's favorite role model...blahh....
Aww hell, go for it!

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