Tuesday, November 15, 2011

lindsay lohan tattoo

On Day 26, Kent became the new Head of Household. On Day 28, Kent nominated Mike and Krista for eviction. On Day 33, Mike was evicted by a vote of 4-1.


On Day 26, Janelle nominated Erika and Mike for eviction. Janelle said that Erika was only a pawn and that she just didn't like Mike. She later admitted to only wanting a floater out of the game, because there were so many floaters. On Day 27, starting at midnight, the HouseGuests were awakened by fans' wake-up calls every 15 minutes as the result of an America's Choice poll. On Day 29, after Mike vetoed himself, Janelle replaced Mike with Diane. This caused controversy among the members of Janelle's alliance, especially James. They had hoped that Will would be the replacement. They also caught Janelle in a lie: Janelle told her alliance she did not want Will and Mike to win the Power of Veto, but she had told Howie prior to the competition that she did not want Diane or Erika to win. This caused James to lash out at Janelle, saying in the DR that he was "done with Season Six". He then formed an alliance with Danielle, Will, and Mike called "Legion of Doom".

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HoH: "Revenge of the Gnomes"; On Day 47, Mike became the second Head of Household for the week. PoV: "Voo Doo Dolls"; On Day 48, Janelle won the Power of Veto, despite James's complaints of unnecessary roughness on Janelle's part during the competition. On Day 48, after losing his Coup d'état power (it was only valid through three eviction ceremonies, and he was now HoH), Mike nominated James and Janelle, but told Janelle that they would help her win the veto. On Day 49, Janelle used the Power of Veto on herself, and Mike replaced her with George as a pawn in order to get James out. On Day 53, James was evicted by a vote of 3-1, with only Danielle voting to keep James. James became the third juror.

Lindsay Lohan Tattoos

lindsay lohan\x26#39;s tattoos

Party pals Lindsay Lohan and

Party pals Lindsay Lohan and

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