Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shar Jackson: New Pictures+Rumors

Here are new pictures of Shar Jackson after her lipo, breast augmentation, tummy tuck and I think they did some shit to her mug. It's safe to say she didn't spend any of that money on a new wardrobe or stylist.

...and on to the RUMOR part, I was watching ET News and they reported that Shar is pregnant by her ex-husband, Kevin Federline. Now you might have to take this rumor with a grain of salt my pretties, the media believes she got knocked up on one of Kevin's visitations to see his kids. I guess when the kids are sleeping Shar and Kevin are rumored to have engaged in "sexy time". She's supposingly 7 weeks pregnant. I'll believe this when I see that Family Dollar pregnancy test with the results.

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