Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oprah Leaves Pooches $30 Million....

According to reports, Mother Oprah is planning to upstage Leona Helmsley by leaving her pooches $30 million in cash money if she should die before they do. Oprah's like 4,000 years old in doggy years so this is a safe bet that these bitches (the dogs) are going to be making it rain in a few years. Stedman, and all of his mulatto greatness, will get $250 million!!

And since you know I'm a ride-or-die chick for Mother Oprah ,I've provided you with a few pics she had of her dogs while they were on her show. If you are having problems with a disobedient dog, or even problems trying to get them housebroken check out this site for tips and answers on helping your dog become trained!

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