Sunday, August 8, 2010

Best Dressed Men in the World!

Jay Z topped the Esquire's "Best Dressed Men" list at #2 while Barack came in at an impressive #4. There are considered to be the best dressed men in the WORLD. Check out the savvy males who made Top 10 .

1: Tom Brady, football player
2: Jay-Z, record exec, musician
3: Daniel Craig, actor
4: Barack Obama, U.S. senator, presidential candidate
5: André Balazs, hotelier
6: Nicolas Sarkozy, French president
7: Hidetoshi Nakata, former soccer player
8: Ryan Gosling, actor
9: Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Ferrari president
10: Hamid Karzai, Afghan president

#14- Dwayne Wade, #23Tony Parker,
The Afghan President is on the list??? I TOLD ya'll negro's Turbans are what's hot in the '07!


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