Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Keke Wyatt: My Mom Used To Call Us N****s.

Remember KeKe Wyatt, the girl who went plum crazy and stabbed her cheating husband in the throat then went to jail for a few years. Well she's back and stirring up controversy. She recently sat with Essence magazine and had the nerve to tell the editors that her white mother use to call her "Nigga", she went on to say that her momma called her the N word so much that she use to think her name was "Nigga". She defends her mother by saying it wasn't racist because her mother said Nigga versus Nigger. There's a difference of course!

She also went and and took a stab *no pun intended* at Beyonce's looks and vocal skills by saying:

“If you notice, I’m yellow. My natural hair is the color she dyes her hair. I have the little waist with the big booty. It’s all the same thing but I sing better, so it was their loss. Say I don’t sing better than Beyonce?“

Feisty lil mulatto isn't she!

Click here to read the rest of her interview with Essence.

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