Sunday, September 5, 2010

Did You Watch 'The View'?

After crying a river when Rosie O'Donnell was kicked off and hating every other co-host they had, I was surprised to find out that the new co-host of 'The View' would be Whoopi. Pissed at the world because they allowed a 48 year old man be a co-host I was sort of relieved when she started her first day off with a little bit of controversy. Whoops went were no white-women would go and started yapping about the Mike Vick controversy, most notably, defending his actions. During her rant she went on to say:

"You know from his background this is not an unusual thing for where he comes from," said Goldberg.

"There are certain things that are indicative to certain parts of our country."

Co-host Joy Behar seemed shocked at Goldberg's statements."How about dog torture and dog murdering," Behar asked.

"Unfortunately it's part of the thing," Goldberg replied.

"You're a dog lover. For a lot of people dogs are sport," she added.

Behar continued to shake her head in disgust.Goldberg said it seemed to her that it took a while for Vick to realize that the charges against him were serious. "It seemed like a light went off in his head when he realized that this was something the entire country really didn't appreciated, didn't like," Goldberg said, referring to Vick's guilty plea.

She said if the case had involved somebody from New York City her feelings would have been different. Goldberg pointed out that Vick was raised in the South. "This is part of his cultural upbringing," said Goldberg."
Thats my Whoops.. dumb as bricks with looks to kill!

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