Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jena 6: Update

I know I know, I've been getting ALOT of slack for not posting anything about the Jena 6 and it had hit me when I was talking to a few friends about it and they had NO idea what I was talking about. So for those who are IN the loop a judge vacated one of two convictions against Mychal Bell.

Mychal Bell, 17, faces up to 22 years in prison after his aggravated battery conviction.

Defense lawyers argued -- and 28th Judicial District Court Judge J.P. Mauffray Jr. agreed -- that a charge of conspiracy to commit second-degree aggravated battery should have been brought against Mychal Bell in juvenile court rather than adult court.

But he left standing Bell's conviction on a second-degree aggravated battery charge.
The teen's attorneys said they would file an emergency appeal and ask for a stay of Bell's September 20 sentencing date until the appellate court rules.

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