Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bobby Brown Has ANOTHER Girlfriend??

Bobby Browns ass has been linked to another chick. According to JanetCharleton:
"Alicia Etheridge is described as a music executive who was friendly with Bobby's ex Whitney Houston for twelve years until she started dating Bobby. It's rumored that they moved in together. Nice friend. Alicia introduced herself to our treasured colleague CJ at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis as Bobby's "manager." Anyway, Bobby was flaunting Alicia at The Palm restaurant in West Hollywood last night. According to a witness "He made a big deal out of introducing Alicia as his "girlfriend" to the host, the bartender, and everyone he knew in the restaurant. He also introduced her to photographers outside. He acted very proud of her. "

Bitch looks fierce as hell. I'm pretty sure she's from Compton and wouldn't mind shanking a ni**a for 3 tic-tacs and a snicker bar.

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