Saturday, May 8, 2010

Nergo Please.....

I didn't even want to touch this but you have to report "news worthy" things( and I say news worthy loosely) Nick Cannon proposed Selita Ebanks coming out of the they Metropolitan Museum. She said yes and some B-list/C-list stars celebrated with Nick,Selita, and both parents until Nick and Selita charted a plane back to his film that's in the works called American Son

First off, Congrads to you Nick but your such a dumbass! You became non-existent to me when you let go of Chirstina Milian.....Chirstina Milian!!! She maybe jobless..or broke...or whatever but she sure as hell makes up for it in other departments....AND she can cook! Negro you messed up...If Beyonce is the hottest chick in the game, Milian is at least in 4th place...

As for this proposal to Selita after just 8 months, you were just all over Kim Kardashin aka Super K.... Sorry Nick, We Don't Believe You, You Need More People!!

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