Saturday, July 31, 2010

This Is A Damn Shame...Nicole Richie Confirms Pregnancy

Nicole Richie just confirmed that she is indeed 4 months PREGNANT. First of all.. EW. Second of all. EW!! This is beyond ridiculous, I'm sure her babies daddy wished she would have just swallowed that nut.

In the interview with Diane Saywer which aires this Friday, she speaks candidly about why this particular constellation of young female stars -- Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears, among others -- have behaved so badly so publicly.
Richie was arrested on Dec. 12 on charges of driving under the influence, after she was allegedly spotted driving the wrong way down a highway in Burbank, Calif. The police said she admitted that she'd smoked marijuana and took the prescription painkiller Vicodin.
Richie pleaded guilty last Friday, and was sentenced to four days in jail, which she has until Sept. 28 to serve.

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