Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Paris Goes Back To Jail

Paris Hilton is my guilty pleasure and I'll stab anyone in the throat who laughs at it. The past 3 days have been a rollarcoaster ride for Paris.. yesterday it was announced that Paris would be released from jail and put on house-arrest due to an unknown "medical illness". Nowshe is ordered to go back to jail and finish serving her sentence. According to TMZ.com :

"Paris Hilton was just ordered back to jail in Lynwood to serve out the remainder of her sentence! She'll get credit for at least 5 days already served.Hilton left the courtroom in tears, screaming, "Mom, Mom, Mom." Hilton was also heard saying "It's not right."

One witness described the scene as: Paris was "physically escorted" out of the courtroom by a female deputy.."

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