Friday, June 25, 2010

Quick Scoops

I had to take a week off...death in the family and preparing for Essence in New Orleans took a lot of time out of my day. I thought about skipping over everything and starting out fresh but new child support payments and getting beat down by hoes literally was too good to past up....

Your A Dick!

According to John Legend your just a limp dick if you don't seize the opportunity when you break into the music world ::cough cough Foxy B cough cough

It's amazing to me, when I talk to my label, they're like, 'Oh John, you work so hard!'. Shouldn't everybody work hard? Why wouldn't they work hard? You d**k! - this is your shot!' Ultimately, it's your career. If you don't seize the opportunity, it's going to go away. There should be no excuse for not working hard."

It's sad but it's so true in the music industry these days. People drop a kinda hot single and think they have it made ::cough cough Olivia cough cough:: . It's nice to see some artist that will actually produce a cd worth me buying

Was It T.I. or T.I.P.?

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