Friday, June 4, 2010

What T.I. Should Have Done.....

Akon was doing a concert for K 104 and some kid threw a water bottle at him.What the kid didn't realize was he was in a crowd of snitches and when Akon ask the crowd to point out the suspect everyone did,they even body surfed the kid to the front to get him on stage. Once Akon got him on stage..he suplexed the kid back off stage... If I was "Tommy's" mother, I would sue the hell out of Akon, but if I was Vince McMan of the WWF, I would be in search of Akon's manager to do a special guess at WrestleMania...that could be his finishing move....NEways check out this Fiya Vid....and watch at the end how the crowd just looks at the boy dropping face first on the ground...then cheers for Akon to do another song..Hilarious!!

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