Tuesday, July 27, 2010

BLACK FIESTA BOWL STAR RECEIVING DEATH THREATS: He proposed to white girlfriend on national TV.

Remember the Boise State running back who scored the winning points in the Fiesta Bowl, then proposed to his cheerleader girlfriend on national television? Well, he says he's hired security for their wedding because of racial threats.
Ian Johnson, who is black, and Chrissy Popadics, who is white, are due to be married Saturday in Boise. Since his proposal this past New year's day, Johnson said he's received phone calls, letters and some personal threats from people who object to their marriage plans.
"You take it for what it is - the less educated, the less willing to change," Johnson, 21, of San Dimas, Calif., told the Idaho Statesman for its Tuesday editions. "But we're not acting like we're naive to all the stuff that's going on. We know what's been said. We're going to make sure we're safe at all times. It's an amazing day for us, and we'd hate to have it ruined by someone."

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