Friday, July 23, 2010

Rumor Has It: Another Tell All Book Is In The Works

No I'm not talking about Lil Kim this time. I thought Kim Porter was the dumbest ride or die chick out there staying with Diddy for so long. I was so wrong. I'm guessing she stayed with Diddy so long so she could have a lot of material. Rumor has it, numerous publishers are reaching out to Kim for a book deal to "explain" the relationship she had with Diddy and also talk about his "bad party habits". No further details or deals have been announce or made as of yet.
With a reported 1.2 million child support check coming to her for the next 18 years AND a book about Diddy that will probably make her millions, I think she just out hustled the hustler..? Hey Tiny..are you paying attention!!! lol

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